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Behaviors That May Indicate Need For Professional Memory Care

11 July 2019

Manor Lake Gainesville   memory care community   professional memory care  
Manor Lake Gainesville - Behaviors That May Indicate Need For Professional Memory Care in Gainesville, GA

When symptoms of Alzheimer’s and other dementia first appear, they often are mistaken as a by-product of normal aging. When symptoms progress, family caregivers might be unsure about whether it’s time for professional memory care. It’s important to know that early professional intervention can lessen symptoms and delay progression of the disease. Medication and other therapies can help people live at home safely and comfortably for longer. Visiting a primary care doctor about the symptoms can be life-changing. Eventually though, a person with dementia will need 24-hour supervision. Here are questions to consider if you’re wondering whether a loved one may best live within the loving care of a memory care community.

  1. Has he or she got lost in previously familiar territory, as when taking a walk in their neighborhood or running errands?
  2. Can your loved one state their phone number and address in case they need help returning home?
  3. Does the person forget to lock their doors, making themselves vulnerable to crime?
  4. Have they forgotten to turn off a stove or other potentially dangerous appliance?
  5. In case of fire, do you believe he or she would handle the situation safely?
  6. Has your loved one’s level of personal care declined? For example, are they “not themselves” in terms of bathing, dressing or eating?
  7. Is he or she taking medications as scheduled? Are you confident they’ll take the correct dosages?
  8. Has he or she become uncharacteristically suspicious or fearful of others?
  9. As a caregiver, are you risking your own health? Are your caregiving duties interfering too much with your other responsibilities?
  10. Could your family pay for the amount of skilled in-home care or adult day care required? A limited amount of respite care could be available for free or at low cost. If extensive help is needed though, a memory care facility could be more affordable.

This is not a complete list, rather, just some things for you to consider. You likely have a number of observations that are not listed here that concern you. Our staff of memory care professionals can help ease your mind by talking through it all. For more information on memory care, contact Manor Lake Gainesville.
